What is Kids Club?
Kids Club is a free, after school program designed to teach positive life skills to children through games, music, crafts, and conversations. It meets once a week for an hour and a half on the elementary school campus. Kids Club is open to all the students in the school. It’s led by members of your local community. Parent participation is welcome.
In establishing a Kids Club, we work with local churches to ensure proper liability insurance and safety standards. All volunteers are thoroughly trained and vetted, and are required to submit to background checks that involve an application and references, as well as fingerprinting through the California Department of Justice, and mandated reporter training in compliance with California law AB506. Kids Clubs and X Clubs in other states meet equivalent standards as required by their school districts.
Click on X Club in the navigation bar above to see more about the middle school version. A principal’s comment about X Club is included below.
What Elementary and Middle School Principals Have Said:
“The Kids Club provides kind, caring and fun activities for students. There are enough adults to supervise and the behavior of the students is excellent. I thank you for your continued concern about the rules of our school. I do not see any areas that might need improvement. I would recommend this program to other schools.”
“The Kids Club program runs smoothly without my involvement. However, I do greatly enjoy walking through and meeting the staff and I particularly enjoy watching the children. They are excited and very engaged in the activities. I would highly recommend this program for other schools.”
“Kids Club has undoubtedly been a wonderful addition to the programs at our school. The quick growth in popularity among our kids is evidence of its positive impact on their social development and joy for learning. Soon after the program started, students would tell me how much they looked forward to Kids Club day. One mom shared that her son gets up extra early in anticipation, and was disappointed when he learned after the first week that it was going to be just one day each week and he’d have to wait for a whole week to go back.”
“We love X Club! X Club has done a lot of really good things with our students. It gives them an opportunity to share their thoughts. It also gives them a chance to learn a little, have some fun, gain leadership skills, and just share. And, they come out happier and more equipped to have conversations about things as they’re growing and becoming more productive and active citizens in our community. So, thank you X Club!